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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Musings: When the doer disappears, yet the doing continues..."

Disclaimer: Its been mentally a very stressful and distracting week in work life! Hence time to think anything outside worklife is a luxury! What you see below is a produce of the most luxurious 45 minutes of my life! :). There is an excellent book called "Tripura Rahasyam" (can be crudely translated as "Tridimensional secret"), which influenced this musing. This book is a must read!

Very hard it is to be born human!
Very hard it is to live human!
Very hard it is to die human!
Very hard it is to be reborn as human!

Very heavy is the heart for who is sad!
Very heavy is the conscience for who is bad!
Very heavy is the wisdom for who is a fool!
Very heavy is the body for who is ill!

Very long is the wait for who is impatient!
Very long is the road for who is weary!
Very long is the night for who is sleepless!
Very long is the life for who is loveless!
Very long is the life for who is diseased!

Realize, life is never at ease!
Its a time bound lease!
Mind from bad thoughts need a striptease,
Else we can’t upgrade ourselves to next release!

Realize, till our senses are at peace!
Futile are our efforts to please!
Realize, from beginning till we cease!
Life is taken over by disease!

Life is a sexually transmitted disease!
Mind is a socially transmitted disease!
Morality is unintentionally inherited disease!
Discipline is an auto immune disease!

Happiness is an additively addictive disease!
Sadness is invariably unavoidable disease!
Anger is self destructive disease!
Hatred is mutually destructive disease!

If we are what we think
Realize, infected are our thoughts (for us to be diseased!)
Realize, parasites are our thoughts
Realize, short lived are our thoughts
Realize; our thoughts don’t have a life of their own
Realize, our thoughts don’t live on their own
They live on with us identifying with them
They die upon our non-identification
They die when we ignore them
For we ignore them when we watch them
It’s funny and weird yet
We ignore them when we watch them
So let’s watch our infected thoughts!

We are what we think
Having become what we thought
We change our thinking
Realize this is the process of evolution!

Blessed are those who have friends whose
Words disappear, yet the communication continues!
Touches disappear, yet the warmth continues!
Pleasantries disappear, yet the friendship continues!

Blessed are those who can realize that
Patience is a penance, Penance is in patience

Blessed are those who can realize that
One’s “self” is the lord of oneself!
My self consciousness is not the consciousness of the self!

Blessed are those who can realize that
Like Iron breeds rust, rust devours Iron
“I am breeds ill, ill devours “I am”.

Blessed are those who can realize that
“I am” not mine!
“I am” not in mine!
“I am” different from mine!

Blessed are those who can live to realize
"As knower disappears yet the knowledge continues!"
"As doer disappears yet the doing continues!"

Blessed are those who can live to realize
"As knower disappears yet the knowledge continues!"
"As doer disappears yet the doing continues!"

Happy reading!

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