Check out this link, which had that effect on me
Some startling facts are as follows:
- More than 80% of the world's population sustains in less than $10 (INR 500/-) per day. More than 40% live below $2 per day. If you can read this you belong to the top 20% since you can afford a computer and an internet connection.
- The poorest 40 percent of the world’s population accounts for 5 percent of global income. The richest 20 percent accounts for three-quarters of world income.
- According to UNICEF, 26,500-30,000 children die each day due to poverty.
- Number of children in the world is 2.2 billion and kids in poverty is 1 billion (every second child).
- In 2005, the wealthiest 20% of the world accounted for 76.6% of total private consumption. The poorest fifth just 1.5%
- The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the 41 Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (567 million people) is less than the wealth of the world’s 7 richest people combined.
- A mere 12 percent of the world’s population uses 85 percent of its water, and these 12 percent do not live in the Third World.
- Consider the global priorities in spending in 1998: (All in US $, billions)
Cosmetics in the United States $8
Ice cream in Europe $11
Perfumes in Europe and the United States $12
Pet foods in Europe and the United States $17
Business entertainment in Japan $35
Cigarettes in Europe $50
Alcoholic drinks in Europe $105
Narcotics drugs in the world $400
Military spending in the world $780 - And compare that to what was estimated as additional costs to achieve universal access to basic social services in all developing countries: (All in US $, billions)
Basic education for all $6
Water and sanitation for all $9
Reproductive health for all women $12
Basic health and nutrition $13
The total amount need to make a change is about $40 billion, which is less than what people spend on cigarettes alone in Europe. If we cut 1%, just 1% of our military spending we can provide basic education for all.
This just goes to prove that rich become richer at the cost of the others. Competitive extremism, divisive politics, absolute lack of governance to ensure the money allotted is spent and a numerous other reasons can be cited and we can hide behind these reasons and if not justify be insensitive to this.
There are multiple ways listed in the site and else where to overcome some of the issues which we cannot comment on its efficacy. But what is clear atleast is the absolute insensitivity of the rich and powerful where they have designed a system that scratches each other back (I scratch yours and you scratch mine) and hence its a systemic & systematic exploitation.
What can we as individuals do? I cant think of anything that would have significant impact in th short term but certainly in the long term... remember we are in the top 20% bracket and hence we are the problem and only we can provide the solution. Let me list a few of them:
1. Never ever ever ever ever waste food. Understand that 30000 children die every day of food. Please ensure that you or your family members dont ever waste a morsel of food. If there is an excess in a hotel or in our house, pack it neatly and offer it to the needy. I have not been upto this yet.
2. Reduce your consumption. Fast atleast once a week or fortnight. Apart from being healthy (fasting in the night), carry the thought of thousands who are hungry unlike you (not by choice). An old saying in India highlights that
"If you eat once a day you are yogi, if you east twice a day you are Bhogi(epicurean / gourmet), and if you eat three times a day then you are a rogi (a diseased person)... Also remember adi shankara's quote that "food is the medicine for the disease called hunger...(refer to one of my earlier blog)
3. Donate. Never hesitate to donate or offer charity. Life is all about giving. Try participating in a "Anna Dhana" in a temple or society or community and serve the food with your hands and realize how you feel. Make a % of your disposable income (however small, remember 40% of the world is living in less than $2 a day) earmarked for this charity.
4. Most important of all is to inculcate these values into your kids when they are young. We have inherited this place from our ancestors and have to hand it over to our kids. When we hand over lets ensure that we do it with the right values.
There is an interesting aspect which i read as to how to donate and what should be our predominant feelings when we donate:
- Shraddha Deyam - Give it with Involvement and faith & with a smile.
- Shriya Deyam - Give it according to your income (what you can afford).
- Hriya Deyam - Dont feel proud that you are giving but feel shy and awkward that you are unable to give more. Give it with humilty.
- Biya Deyam - Have respect for the people to whom you are giving.
- Samvidha Deyam - Have the right attitude - which means dont think you are doing a favor by giving it to others. You are actually helping yourself.
- After giving never think of what all you have given. Just forget that you have given it.
I also want to share the importance of food as listed in some of our scriptures which i will blog later.
For the time being lets recognize that world is not a fair place and be sensitive to the majority of the mankind. We can hope for a messiah to come and correct the situation but have to finally understand that we have to be the change we wish for! IF WE WISH FOR!
"Shreyo bhooyat sakala janaanam"
Yours hopefully
Happy reading!
PS; I have included the link in my blog for easy reference for you to get a feel of the world we live in!
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