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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Know thy body & live by nature!

"To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant."

All great saints who have done RCA (root cause analysis) on life's problems have unianimously Vlogged (Voice blogged) that ignorance is the root cause of all evils. We are actually wiser as long as we can convert our "unknown unknowns" into "Known unknowns".

There is nothing more known to us than our own body and when i read the following piece i was surprised how little we know actually about it.... and more importantly how we abuse them by living against the nature...

Now few questions.... if you can answer them then this article is not relevant to you...else read on!

1. Why can't asthma patients or anyone with breathing probs cant sleep between 3Am to 5Am?

2. If some one has chronic constipation then they should mostly be late risers. Do you know why?

3. Risk of heart attack is pretty high for people who do heavy work during noon...

Lets see what its all about....

Almost everyone would agree that our body is like a self regulating clock, it adheres to some periodicity (atleast with most of us), some rhythm and its self adjusting. But how many of us are aware that there 12 vital organs in our body which works at its peak for 2 hours a day. To lead a healthy life we need to understand the nature and live accordingly. This list goes like this:

1. 3 to 5 AM: Lungs - Good to do breathing exercise at this time. People with respiratory problems have problem sleeping at this time. Dont tell me you have not noticed this!

2. 5 to 7 AM: Large Intestine - Hit the potty in this window & take bath in cold water. Cures constipation and nervous disorders.

3. 7-9 AM: Stomach - Food should be taken at this hour. If you dont hit the potty before 7 AM and if you are hungry during this window there is a clear risk of "to be excreted stuff" being absorbed back into the body as toxin. Among other problems you can see some reference to eye defects due to this absorption. Interesting among the reference is in Kamba Ramayan, where Kambar says that most birds have good eye sight and especially SampAti (Jatayu's brother) who sees seetha is in Lanka (asoka vanam) and asks Hanuman to go there. Kambar says that they have good eyesight because of the urine and faeces are not mixing with blood since birds crap at will. "Some days you are the sparrow and some days statue" is an interesting philosophical quote i like which crossed my mind now :).

4. 9-11 AM: Spleen - Avoid eating, drinking in this window else you may feel sleepy & windy (farty - just adding this since i was not sure if you would get what windy means!). You will certianly feel lethargic.

5. 11 Am - 1 PM: Heart - Dont sleep and do any hard work during this hour. This is the favorite window for most house wives to hit the gym. Please avoid as this increases the risk of heart attacks. You may vaguely recollect that most heart attack victims would complain of uneasiness, stomach pain from noon though they may collapse much later.

6. 1 - 3 PM: Small Intestine - Lunch time and avoid sleeping.

7. 3-5 PM: Urinary Bladder - Back pain or hip pain may occur. Advisable to drink lots of fluids.

8. 5-7 PM: Kidneys - Renal failures or back pain are common during this time too.

9. 7-9 PM: Supper time

10. 9-11 PM: Avoid TV, reading etc. Time to wind up. Actually i am unable to find the organs controlling in this and previous window from my notes. Shall update once i get it.

11. 11Pm - 1AM: Gall Bladder

12. 1 - 3 AM: Liver

When investigations were non-intrusive and less advanced than what we have now, doctors generally ask a question as to what time do you see the disease / pain is manifesting and based on which they can deduce where the problem is.

If you are little more sensitive to your own body many would have noticed that getting up early and doing breathing exercise charges you up for the whole day and eating between 9AM & 11AM makes you lethargic, just that we would not be aware.

Even if you a character who loves to sleep like me, get up clear your stomach and then go back to sleep like i do. This may solve most of your health issues in the future and you would live long. Elders were not wrong in saying early to rise is healthy!, but i think by the time we realize what they told us is right we have son/ daughter old enough to think that we are wrong! I remember a nice siddar padal which tells you how to live long up to 120 years, which i shall blog later.

Have a nice weekend.

Happy reading!

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